Differences Between Shaped and Unshaped Refractory Materials


1. What Does Shaped Refractory Material Mean?

Refractory materials are classified in various ways, including by different forms, applicable scopes, and main raw materials. Rongsheng Refractory offers a complete range of refractory materials covering common types in the market. Based on their forms, refractory materials are divided into shaped and unshaped categories. So, what are the differences between shaped and unshaped refractory materials?

Shaped refractory materials are finished products whose shapes are determined through a molding process using raw materials. They are then either high-temperature fired or air-dried without firing, and their shapes cannot be altered. Rongsheng's shaped refractory materials include wear-resistant chrome corundum composite bricks, corundum bricks, high alumina bricks, diatomaceous earth bricks, refractory clay bricks, lightweight mullite bricks, and more. Shaped refractory materials are convenient for selection and procurement, and construction plans are well-established. They are among the most commonly chosen types of refractory materials for furnace linings in the market. However, due to their fixed dimensions, shaped refractory materials are more suitable for large-area construction, and construction in small areas, such as corners, may be more challenging.

2. Differences Between Shaped and Unshaped Refractory Materials?

The main difference between shaped and unshaped refractory materials lies in their supply forms.

Shaped refractory materials generally have a fixed appearance and volume that do not change with usage time or working temperature environments. On the other hand, unshaped refractory materials are often a mixture of coarse aggregates and fine powders, and their overall performance is not fixed, exhibiting strong plasticity. To achieve specific performance characteristics, individuals involved in the production of unshaped refractory materials can use quantified organic substances, metallic materials, and even add fiber materials to achieve the desired performance.

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