2021 Summer Games of Rongsheng Group came to a successful conclusion!


Youth without regret to raise the spirit of sports, challenge themselves to show Rongsheng style. In order to further stimulate the high morale of cadres and workers and the passionate motivation of officers and entrepreneurs, and to show the spirit of Rongsheng people who are united, enterprising and striving for the best, on May 15, Rongsheng Technology Group 2021 Summer Games were held in Zhengzhou Whistling Sports Park. Group chairman Chu Keqi, deputy general manager Ma Shanshan and four teams of more than 100 employees participated in this sports meeting.


After the entrance ceremony, the sports meeting kicked off in the sound of the majestic national anthem. The first thing the teams did was to show their morale. They were dressed in uniform clothes, with firm footsteps and loud slogans, and the vigorous Rongsheng people made the vast stadium burst with vitality. After that, the representatives of athletes and referees took the oath, and Chu Keqi, chairman of the group, delivered the opening speech and announced the opening of the games.

The hot music is heart-warming, and the rousing slogans are inspiring. In the rousing music, the sports events officially started. This year's sports set up a total of 10 projects such as tug-of-war, beacon, ping-pong relay, three-person four-legged, listen to the words, badminton, etc. The game adopts a point system, according to the total points to select the group champion, runner-up and third place.



"Five-star red flag, fluttering in the wind, how loud the victory song is ......" All Rongsheng people at the scene waved the small red flag and sang "Sing the Motherland" in unison. The atmosphere was warm, and the reverberating song and the bright national flag showed the beautiful blessings of Rongsheng people to the motherland. With the loud and clear song, the sports meeting came to a successful end.


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