Rongsheng Technology Group Organized New Employees to Visit the Production Base


In order to help new employees understand the business and products of the group, enhance their knowledge of the company and quickly integrate into the Rongsheng family, on June 24, Rongsheng Technology Group organized the second phase of new employees to visit the production bases and workshop teams to experience modern production facilities, feel the corporate culture and experience the development history of Rongsheng Refractory.


In the production workshop of unshaped refractories, Mr. Liang firstly introduced the production mode of the factory, from the self-control operation of fully automatic unshaped refractories production equipment to the technical operation of finished products grinding, discharging and packaging, etc. He also gave a patient and detailed explanation on the production process of raw material procurement, crushed stone grading, proportioning and dividing of unshaped refractory castable and plastic refractory. During the visit, the standardized workshop, mature and complete production line, and rigorous working style all showed the persistent pursuit of product quality. New employees have a more intuitive and comprehensive understanding of the company's main products, production processes, equipment processing, etc., so that the corporate culture and the spirit of excellence is rooted in the heart of each newcomer.


In the production workshop of shaped refractories, the person in charge focused on the different products used in the kiln from the purchase of raw materials, proportioning, mold making, semi-finished products processing, high-temperature firing of the whole set of production process, and its packaging and transportation to different countries and regions were also introduced to the new employees, everyone on the different types of refractory brick raw material ratio, pressing molding method, baking conditions and inspection standards The discussion was intense.


In addition to the field study, the group leaders also attached great importance to the pre-employment training for the new employees. The group chairman Chu Keqi put forward suggestions and expectations for the new employees' visit and study. Mr. Chu pointed out that the resistant material industry is a technology-intensive industry with complex production process and high product quality requirements. New employees must master the professional knowledge and understand the product performance as soon as possible in order to deal with customers more effectively and scientifically and to market the products to customers. Finally, Mr. Chu hopes that all new employees can change their roles and integrate into the team as soon as possible through this study, and in the future work, constantly enrich themselves, improve themselves and contribute their strength to the development of the group.


The general manager of the group, Mr. Wang navy, also gave a short lesson full of dry goods from the aspect of business processing and customer service. Mr. Wang pointed out that the most basic and important thing to do business work is to eat the professional knowledge thoroughly and firmly. He hoped that the new employees could learn diligently and think well, build up a firm business foundation, and take out ten times the energy to learn the knowledge of resistant materials. At the same time, in the business aspect, Mr. Wang talked about the scientific thinking and path for everyone in a vivid image on how to do the customer expansion transaction and increase the customer stickiness.


During the visit, the new employees were full of enthusiasm and serious attitude, and expressed that they would change their roles as soon as possible, adapt to the new working environment, enrich themselves and improve themselves in their future work, and contribute their strength to the development of the group. The visit and learning, as well as the in-depth lectures of the company leaders and relevant department heads, injected unlimited motivation and confidence for the new employees in the process of integrating into the environment of our company, and laid a solid foundation for their upcoming "new" life. Through this pre-job training, everyone not only had a comprehensive and clear understanding of the company and a clearer direction for their respective jobs, but also broadened their knowledge, enhanced their business skills, strengthened their brand and service consciousness, and gained confidence in the company's prospect and personal career development, laying a good and solid foundation for better work in the future.

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