Refractory Brick Manufacturers and Their Applications


Refractory bricks are fundamental materials in the field of high-temperature technology and find widespread applications in various industries. One of the most common applications is their use as structural materials and linings in various thermal equipment and high-temperature containers. In the steel and metallurgical industry, coke ovens are primarily composed of refractory bricks. Blast furnaces, hot blast stoves, various smelting furnaces, annealing furnaces, and heating furnaces in iron production all require a variety of refractory bricks that meet specific requirements. Refractory bricks are also essential in the production of copper alloys, including continuous casting.

Statistics indicate that the steel industry is the largest consumer of refractory materials, accounting for approximately 60% of the total refractory brick demand. Non-ferrous metal industries, including pyrometallurgical processes and thermal processing, also heavily rely on refractory bricks. Other industries such as building materials, as well as high-temperature processes in the manufacturing of silicate products, glass, cement, and ceramics, all require refractory bricks for constructing furnaces and kilns or their linings.

Moreover, industries involving high-temperature operations such as chemical, power generation, and mechanical manufacturing require refractory bricks for various purposes, including calcination, sintering, heating, boilers, and associated components like flues, chimneys, and protective layers.

In essence, whenever a structure, device, equipment, or container operates at temperatures above approximately 1000°C, the potential for physical, chemical, and mechanical effects arises. These effects can lead to material deformation, softening, melting, erosion, corrosion, cracking, and other forms of damage. This not only disrupts operations and production but also contaminates the processed materials, affecting the quality of the final products. Therefore, refractory bricks with the ability to withstand high temperatures are indispensable in such scenarios.

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