Distinguishing Clay Bricks And High Alumina Refractory Bricks

Clay bricks and high alumina bricks are both widely used in various high-temperature applications, but they have distinct differences in appearance, composition, and performance.
  • Clay Bricks: Generally rougher in texture.
  • High Alumina Bricks: Smoother surface.

Composition and Manufacturing:
Clay Bricks: Made from refractory clay and its clinker, formed, dried, and fired. Common grades include NZ-40, NZ-35, and NZ-30.
High Alumina Bricks: Made from high alumina bauxite and clay as a binder, fired at around 1500℃. They contain more than 48% Al₂O₃, with grades such as LZ-65, LZ-55, and LZ-75.

Clay Bricks: Good thermal stability, refractory temperature around 1700℃, mainly used in glass furnaces, rotary kilns, and steel furnaces.
High Alumina Bricks: Higher refractoriness and load softening temperature than clay bricks, suitable for use in high-temperature environments like blast furnaces, hot blast stoves, electric furnace roofs, and rotary kilns. They have good slag resistance and higher mechanical strength at high temperatures.
Advantages of High Alumina Bricks:
  1. Higher Refractoriness: 1750-1790℃.
  2. Load Softening Temperature: Higher due to lower impurities and high Al₂O₃ content.
  3. Corrosion Resistance: Better resistance to acidic and alkaline slags.
  4. Thermal Shock Resistance: Higher grades have lower thermal shock resistance but overall better high-temperature performance.
  • Clay Bricks: Common in heating furnaces' lower temperature zones.
  • High Alumina Bricks: Suitable for high-temperature areas of heating furnaces, blast furnace linings, hot blast stoves, and other high-temperature industrial furnaces.

For optimal performance, choose high alumina bricks for environments requiring high refractoriness and load-bearing capacities. Clay bricks can be used where cost considerations are crucial, and the operating temperature is within their performance range.
Our Expertise:
As a manufacturer and supplier with over 20 years of experience in refractory materials, Rongsheng Refractory Group offer high-quality high alumina bricks. Explore our High Alumina Refractory Bricks for more information and to request a quote tailored to your specific needs.
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