The 14th product knowledge training of Rongsheng Technology Group 2021 was successfully completed


In order to let new employees understand the company more comprehensively, enhance professional knowledge and skills, better complete the role change and integrate into the team faster, on July 17, Rongsheng Technology Group organized the 14th product knowledge training and training session for new employees, and Wang Navy, general manager of the group, personally attended the training site and taught the new employees. The training mainly consisted of two parts: new employee induction training and exchange of professional knowledge of refractory materials.


Experience sharing, communication for growth. In order to promote the sales and promotion personnel to carry out their work better, the technical department Xu Gong led everyone to start the training of professional knowledge of refractory materials in the form of symposium. During the meeting, everyone spoke enthusiastically about various material and technical problems encountered in actual work, and Mr. Wang and Mr. Xu gave professional answers to these problems through in-depth explanations. The whole training content is full of dry goods, to the front-line sales and promotion staff of the practical work to provide professional operational guidance. We also continue to learn and collide ideas in the mutual exchange, and the atmosphere is very warm.


After the meeting, Mr. Wang made a summary of this training symposium, he pointed out that the first-line sales and promotion staff should grasp the new positioning of their respective positions, so that the content output has quality and the tracking service should be in place. He also encouraged everyone to develop the habit of long-term learning, to take this training as a new starting point, to know the professional knowledge of refractory materials thoroughly and firmly, to seize all available learning opportunities, to learn from seniors, to learn from books, to learn from practice, to continuously improve personal professional skills, to ensure the reserve of professional knowledge of resistant materials, only in this way can we serve our customers better, so as to reach our work goals with high quality.微信图片_20220104190957.jpg


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